Please see the latest online safety update that we have sent home - 'Top Tips on Social Media'. We hope you find it useful.
Manorcroft Primary School is a friendly, inclusive two-form entry school for children aged 4-11 (Year R to Year 6), which offers a caring, safe and exciting learning environment.
Our aim is for each and every child to develop a love of learning and to fulfil their potential, whatever their starting point or individual need.
Amazing fireworks display at school last night - a huge thank you to the PTA for all their hard work!
Sat 09 November @ 10:42PM
One week to go until our spectacular fireworks display - Friday 8th Nov. Get your early bird tickets & preorder hot food via the link: Preorder food available until midnight Tues 5th Nov. Online tickets available until midnight Thurs 7th Nov.
Fri 01 November @ 8:03PM
Lots going on - please support our PTA.
Tue 22 October @ 11:57AM
Woodland skills underway for this half term - lovely to see each class out in the canopy classroom.
Fri 18 October @ 6:39AM
ROLL UP! ROLL UP! Not long until the Circus arrives & all are welcome to attend!! Purchase tickets for £10pp (£12pp on the day, subject to availability), as well as preorder hot food* Online ticket sales will end midnight 22nd September.
Wed 18 September @ 9:03PM
So lovely to welcome our new Y6 House Captains this year! #Respect #Responsibility #Resilience
Wed 11 September @ 1:29PM
Manorcroft Primary School,
Wesley Drive, Egham,
Surrey. TW20 9LX
T 01784 432 155
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