At Manorcroft, we believe that all children deserve a high-quality, broad, challenging and exciting mathematics curriculum. Enjoyment of the subject is crucial to support children in making good progress. Fluency, reasoning and problem solving are at the heart of our teaching to enable children to develop a greater understanding of mathematical concepts. Our mastery approach encourages all children to succeed and it prepares them with the foundations that are essential to everyday life.
In EYFS, our youngest mathematicians follow the White Rose scheme of learning. Purposeful, continuous provision provides many exciting opportunities for children to develop and improve their skills in number, numerical patterns and shape, space and measure. Teachers also carefully plan adult-led activities to further develop children’s knowledge and skills.
Throughout the rest of the school, we follow the Power Maths scheme to teach the National Curriculum. This is supplemented with the White Rose scheme to provide further opportunities for deeper understanding.
All learning starts with revisiting prior knowledge, allowing pupils to make meaningful connections. Staff will model explicitly the key vocabulary, knowledge and skills relevant to each unit. Knowledge organisers are used regularly to encourage independence and to support children with what they are learning. The design and structure of our curriculum is planned to ensure a seamless transition between year groups and key stages.
Mathematics is also taught within and beyond the classroom as part of our commitment to outdoor learning.
Teachers and LSAs provide immediate feedback to pupils throughout each lesson. Children are encouraged to edit and correct their answers in a green pen where appropriate. Any child who needs additional input or practice will take part in a daily keep up session, ensuring they can meet the learning objective successfully.
A variety of formative and summative assessment methods are used to ensure children make progress from their individual starting points. As a result of the mathematics teaching at our school, you will see:
- Engaged children who are challenged
- Resilient children who do not give up when they make mistakes
- Confident children who can explain their learning and make links between topics
- Independent children using mental methods and jottings to increase their speed and fluency